1.Jonathan Stallings, Eric Vance, Jiansheng Yang, Michael W. Vannier, Jimin Liang, Liaojun Pang, Liang Dai, Ivan Ye, and Ge Wang, Determining Scientific Impact Using a Collaboration Index,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 110(24):9680-9685, 2013.
2.Jiansheng Yang, M.W.Vannier, Fang Wang, Yan Deng, Fengrong Ou, James Bennett, Yang Liu, Ge Wang, a bibliometric analysis of academic publication and NIH funding, Journal of Informetrics 7(2): 318-324, 2013.
3.Jiansheng Yang, Wenxiang Cong, Ming Jiang, and Ge Wang, Theoretical study on high order interior tomography, Journal of X-Ray Science and Technology 20: 423-436, 2012.
4.Wenxiang Cong, Jiansheng Yang and Ge Wang, Differential Phase-contrast Interior Tomography, Physics in Medicine and Biology 57(10): 2905-2914, 2012.
5.Yanbin Lu, Jiansheng Yang, John W Emerson, Heng Mao, Tie Zhou, Yuanzheng Si, Ming Jiang, Cone-beam reconstruction for the two-circles-plus-one-line trajectory, Physics in Medicine and Biology 57(9): 2689 - 2707, 2012.
6.Jiansheng Yang, Hengyong Yu, Ming Jiang, Ge Wang, High order total variation minimization for interior SPECT, Inverse Problems, 28(1): 1-24, 2012.
7. Jiansheng Yang, Hengyong Yu, Ming Jiang and Ge Wang, High Order Total Variation Minimization for Interior Tomography. Inverse Problems 26 035013, 2010.
8.Hengyong Yu, Jiansheng Yang, Ming Jiang, Ge Wang, Supplemental analysis on compressed sensing based interior tomography. Physics In Medicine And Biology, 2009. Vol. 54, No. 18, pp. N425 - N432, 2009.
9.Hengyong Yu, Jiansheng Yang, Ming Jiang, Ge Wang, Interior SPECT-exact and stable ROI reconstruction from uniformly attenuated local projections, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol. 25, No. 6, pp. 693 - 710, 2009.
10.Jiansheng Yang, Xiaohu Guo,Qiang Kong, Tie Zhou, Ming Jiang, Parallel Implementation of the Katsevich’s FBP Algorithm, Hindawi Publishing Corporation, International Journal of Biomedical Imaging, Volume 2006, Article ID 17463, Pages 1–8.
11. Jiansheng Yang, Qiang Kong, Tie Zhou, Ming Jiang, Cone Beam Cover Method: An Approach to Performing Backprojection in Katsevich’s Exact Algorithm for Spiral Cone Beam CT, the Journal of X-ray Science and Technology , Special Issue on Recent Development of X-ray CT and Micro CT. vol. 9, 1-16, 2004.
12.Jiansheng Yang, Lixin Shen, Manos Papadakis, Ioannis. Kakadiaris, D. J. Kouri and David K. Hoffman, Orthonormal Wavelets Arising From HDAFs, Contemporary Mathematics, 345(2004) , 317-342。
13.Lixin Shen, Jiansheng Yang, M. Papadakis, I. Kakadiaris, D. J. Kouri and D. K. Hoffman, On the smoothness of orthonormal wavelets arising from HDAFs, Appl. Comput. Harmon. Ana. 15(2003), 242-254.
14.Jiansheng Yang, Lixin Shen, Time-frequency localisation of Shannon wavelet packets, IEE proc.Vis.Image Signal Process., Vol 150, No.6, December 2003, 365-369.