主 题: On the Use of the NeoPZ Software to Implement Different Finite Element Formulations
报告人: Philippe R B Devloo, University of Campinas, SP, Brazil
时 间: 2016-08-03 14:00 - 2016-08-03 16:00
地 点: Room 29, Quanzhai, BICMR
In thistalk we present the results of a comparison numerical study [1] of the efficiencyof different finite element formulations for elliptic problems. Namely, they are:a) the classical H1-conforming Galerkin, and b) the MixedFormulations, c) the Symmetric Interior Penalty DG method, the hybridformulations d) Stabilized Hybrid Discontinuous Galerkin method, and? e)? Locally Discontinuous but Globally Continuous method. ?Excepting the Symmetric Interior Penalty DGmethod, all the other cases allow static condensation, reducing the size of theglobal system of equations to be solved, and consequently the execution time. Thedifferent formulations are implemented by the NeoPZ software and compared interms of the L2-norm of the approximation errors, number ofdegrees-of-freedom, with and without static condensation, and CPU times requiredfor the simulations. A brief description of the general structure of NeoPZ willbe presented by emphasizing its essential features. ?For a 3D test problem with smooth solution,the simulations are performed with h refinement, and constant polynomialdegree. For a singular 2D problem, the results are for approximation spacesbased on a given set of hp-refined meshes adapted to the internal layer. ?Finally, we will present how triangular tensorspaces have been incorporated to NeoPZ for approximations of two dimensionalelasticity problems.