One-day Workshop on Kaehler Geometry
主 题: One-day Workshop on Kaehler Geometry
时 间: 2017-09-23 08:30 - 2017-09-23 17:30
地 点: Room 77201, Jingchunyuan 78, BICMR
\n\n\tGang Tian (Beijing University) \n<\/p>\nXiaohua Zhu (Beijing University)
\nBin Zhou (Beijing University)
\n\tZhenlei Zhang (Capital Normal University)\n<\/p>\n
\n\tTitles and Abstracts:<\/strong>
\nSpeaker: Jingjun Han (Beijing University)<\/span>
\nTitle: Birkar\'s proof of the BAB conjecture<\/span>
\nAbstract: The Borisov-Alexeev-Borisov (BAB) conjecture proved by Birkar last year predicts that \\epsilon-lc Fano variety forms a bounded family. In this lecture, I will try to describe some ideas in his proof, including effective birationality of \\epsilon-lc Fano variety and a special case of the BAB conjecture. <\/span>
\nSpeaker: Wenshuai Jiang (Zhejiang University)<\/span>
\nTitle: The Structure of singular set of noncollapsing Ricci limit spaces<\/span>
\nAbstract: Let (M_i^n,g_i,p_i) \\to (X,d,p) satisfy Ric>= -(n-1) and Vol(B_1(p_i))>v>0. From Cheeger-Colding theory, for each integer k
Speaker: Feng Wang (Zhejiang University)<\/span>
\nTitle: The existence of Kahler-Einstein metrics on K-polystable Q-Fano varieties with non-positive discrepancies<\/span>
\nAbstract: I will talk out the recent work with Professor Tian and Chi Li. At first, we extend Tian’s work to the log smooth case. Then for a K-polystable Q-Fano varieties X with non-positive discrepancies, we show that there exists conic KE metrics on the resolution and these metrics converges to the singular KE metric on X. <\/span>
\nSpeaker: Zhenlei Zhang (Capital Normal University)<\/span>
\nTitle: <\/span>Recent development on the Kahler-Ricci flow<\/span>
\nAbstract: In this talk I will present a brief discussion of Chen-Wang’s work on Kahler-Ricci flow on Fano manifolds.<\/span>\n<\/p>\n