主 题: Global Mirror Symmetry
报告人: Prof. Yongbin Ruan (University of Michigan)
时 间: 2013-05-03 14:00-15:00
地 点: 理科一号楼1114 (数学所活动)
One often assemble an infinite sequence of geometric invariants
$a_n$ as a so called generating function $\\sum_n a_n q^n$. Here, the generating
function is viewed as a formal power series or \"perturbative\" expansion. A great deal of
achievement in mirror symmetry for last twenty years is to compute such a generating
function for Gromov-Witten invariants $a_n$. The new \"nonperturbative\" or \"global mirror symmetry\"
approach is to consider the above power series as the Taylor expansion of an analytic function $F(q)$.
Then, we want to analytic continue $F(g)$ to
other region and re-expand it at a different point. Remarkably, its Taylor
coefficient often corresponds to completely different geometry invariants. You may want to analytic continue