[鐗瑰埆鏁板?璁插骇绗?3鏈焆 An introduction to Symplectic Geometry, II
主 题: [鐗瑰埆鏁板?璁插骇绗?3鏈焆 An introduction to Symplectic Geometry, II
报告人: 鑼冭緣鍐 鍖椾含澶у?
时 间: 2010-04-29 08:00 - 2010-06-30 18:00
地 点: 璧勬簮澶у帵1328
鏃ユ湡鏃堕棿锛?010-4-29 -> 2010-6-22 姣忓懆鍥 涓嬪崍1:00-4:00
This is the subsequent course to the 鈥淪ymplectic Geometry鈥 I taught in last semester. In this semester, I will talk about the modern context of symplectic geometry, i.e., pseudo-holomorphic curves, period orbits of Hamiltonian system, Floer homology and Gromov-Witten theory for symplectic manifolds. Due to the complexity of analysis for the general symplectic manifolds, all the discussions will be restricted to the positive or semi-positive symplectic manifolds. No special knowledge is required for this course.
The context of this course is based on my lecture notes which I distributed to my audiences last semester. The total time is about two months and will proceed once a week and three hours once.