Einstein-Bogomol'nyi Metrics and Their Limiting Behaviors
报告人:Chengjian Yao (ShanghaiTech University)
时间:2022-11-09 09:00-10:00
As a dimensional reduction of Einstein-Maxwell-Higgs equations to Riemann surface, Einstein-Bogomol’nyi equation provides the simplest model of a cosmic string. Physically, this equation describes a spacetime together with a magnetic field defined by a U(1) connection and a Higgs field defined by a holomorphic section. In this talk, we will discuss the existence of solutions to such equation, illustrating how GIT stability condition would play a role. We will also discuss the two types of limiting behavior of the solutions as the volume tends to the lower bound and infinity respectively.
Chengjian Yao is currently an assistant professor at ShanghaiTech University. He obtained his PhD at Stony Brook University in 2015 under the supervision of Xiuxiong Chen. His research focuses on geometric analysis and mathematical physics.
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