报告人:Professor Kaoru Ono(RIMS, Kyoto University)
时间:2018-09-11 10:10-12:00
地点:Room 1556(1560) Sciences Building No. 1
Teaching Time:
1. The first two weeks (Sep 9th-21th, 2018): 10:10-12:00 am of Sep. 11th(Tue.),
13th(Thu.), 18th(Tue.), 20th (Thu.).
2. The rest two weeks (Oct. 14th-26th, 2018): 10:10-12:00 am of Oct. 16th (Tue.),
18th (Thu.), 23th(Tue.), 25th(Thu.).
1. The first two weeks: Floer theory and Fukaya category;
2. The rest two weeks: Split generation of Fukaya category, HMS for compact toric manifolds,
as well as other applications in symplectic geometry.
Supported by: Overseas Famous Scholar Teaching program of Peking university