1. Maozhi Xu,On Mullineux\' Conjecture in the Representation Theory of Symmetric Groups, Communications in Algebra , 25(1997), 1797-1804.
2. Maozhi Xu,Efang Wang,A break of public key cryptosystem PKCY,Science in China(Series E),Vol.40(4)( 1997), 396-404.
3. Maozhi Xu, On p-Series and the Mullineux\' Conjecture, Communications in Algebra, 27(1999), 5255-5266.
4. C.Bessenrodt, J.Olsson, Maozhi Xu, On properties of the Mullineux map with an application to Schur modules, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 126( 1999), 443-459.
5. You Lin, Xu Maozhi, Zheng Zhiming,Digital signature systems based on smart card and fingerprint feature,Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, Volume 18, Issue 4, December 2007, Pages 825-834.
6. Yue Zhihong, Xu Maozhi, Zhou Zhenghua, Song Chenggen, Approximation calculations on the elliptic curves over un-ramified extensions of 2-adic number fields,Journal of Wuhan University, 54(2008),No.5, 535-539.
7. M.Z.Xu,C.L.Zhao,M.Feng,Z.R.Ren,J.Q.Ye Cryptography on Elliptic Curves over p-adic number Fields, Sciences in China, ser. F, 51(2008),no. 3,258-272.
8. L.Wang,M.Z.Xu, T.Z. Huang, Some lower bounds for the spectral radius of matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications, 432(2010), 1007-1016
9. Hu, Zhi,Longa, Patrick,Xu, Maozhi,Implementing the 4-dimensional GLV method on GLS elliptic curves with j-invariant 0,Designs, Codes, and Cryptography, 63(3), pp 331-343, 2012/6.
10. Wang, Baocheng,Tang, Chunming; Qi, Yanfeng; Yang, Yixian; Xu, Maozhi,The Weight Distributions of Cyclic Codes and Elliptic Curves,IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol.58(12) ,7253– 7259, Dec. 2012.
11. Zhi Hu, Guoliang Zhang, Maozhi Xu, Some techniques for faster scalar multiplication on GLS curves, Information Processing Letters, 116 (2016): 41–46.
12. M.Zhang,Z.Hu,M.Z.Xu*,On Constructing Parameterized Families of Pairing-Friendly Elliptic Curves with ρ = 1, Inscrypt 2016,Beijing.
13. Lili, Maozhi Xu*, PVCLS-SI: Isogeny-based Certificateless Signature Scheme, 2022 IEEE The 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (IEEE-ICICN 2022), 623-637.
14. Guoqing Zhou,Maozhi Xu*, A Polynomial-Time Attack on G2SIDH, ICICS 2023, The 25th International Conference on Information and Communication Security,Tianjin, China, LNCS14252, 91-109,2023 (Best Paper).
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16. 徐茂智,游林,《信息安全与密码学》,清华大学出版社,2007.1
17. 徐茂智,邹维,《信息安全概论》(第1版),人民邮电出版社,2007.8.
18. 李晓波,徐茂智等,《科学数据共享关键技术》,地质出版社,2007.11.
19. 徐茂智,邹维,《信息安全概论》(第2版),人民邮电出版社,2019.8.
20. 游林,徐茂智等,《密码学》,清华大学出版社,2021.1