Abstract: This article is a broad-brush survey of two areas in differential geometry. While these two areas are not usually put side-by-side in this way, there are several reasons for discussing them together. First, they both fit into a very general pattern, where one asks about the existence of various differential-geometric structures on a manifold. In one case we consider a complex Kähler manifold and seek a distinguished metric, for example a Kähler-Einstein metric. In the other we seek a metric of exceptional holonomy on a manifold of dimension 7 or 8 . Second, as we shall see in more detail below, there are numerous points of contact between these areas at a technical level. Third, there is a pleasant contrast between the state of development in the fields. These questions in Kähler geometry have been studied for more than half a century: there is a huge literature with many deep and far-ranging results. By contrast, the theory of manifolds of exceptional holonomy is a wide-open field: very little is known in the way of general results and the developments so far have focused on examples. In many cases these examples depend on advances in Kähler geometry
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