Abstract: We discuss recent developments in the Langlands program for function fields. In particular we explain a canonical decomposition of the space of cuspidal automorphic forms for any reductive group G over a function field, indexed by global Langlands parameters. The proof uses the cohomology of G-shtukas with multiple modifications and the geometric Satake equivalence.
本文讨论函数域上的Langlands对应。作者给出函数域上任意约化群的尖性自守形式空间的典范直和分解,其直和项取遍整体Langlands参数。为此,作者推广了Drinfeld以及L. Lafforgue的штука的模空间的方法,并运用了几何Langlands纲领中的几何Satake等价性。但是,数域上相应的结果仍然未知。
21-PL022 Lafforgue